Les Chemins Invisibles (or The Invisible Paths) was a visionary project from the minds of Cirque du Soleil’s Special Events department. Engaged by the Mayor’s office of Quebec City with the dual goal of enhancing summer tourism and bringing art and awareness to the less fortunate part of town, this project created a different show each year for 5 years performed 3 months in the summer and free of charge for the public. One of the only projects of it’s kind at the time, it has inspired more like it in partnership with tourism boards from around the world in places like Andorra Spain, Malta, Cape Cod and cities like Trois Riviere, Quebec.
I had the pleasure (and vital opportunity) to be the Assistant Director of this ambitious first year. My responsibilities quickly expanded beyond the traditional ones under that title to include: Stilts Choreography, Stage Direction, Make Up design and Character workshops. Coordination across multiple departments was essential and I learned very fast how to accept the microphone and run a rehearsal when the moment called for it. (And all that in my second language of French!!!)