One Night for One Drop is an annual philanthropic event in which Cirque du Soleil cast and crew donate their talent and time to create a unique and breathtaking theatrical show for one night only in support of One Drop, an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing access to safe water
I had the honor of playing the main character Everyman - an average Joe stuck in the daily routine of a job that doesn’t inspire nor does it let him appreciate the simple and important things in life. He meets Drop, a seven year old girl who shows him a world he had forgotten. Through the simple magic of water, he is introduced to wild characters, beauty, and love but also the oppression and injustice facing today’s less fortunate populations. In the end, he remembers that it’s the simple gestures of kindness that begins to make a difference and with that he’s released from the bondage of mindless routine. He’s made aware of just how much the world needs us to look beyond our own lives and to the needs of others… Especially when it come to accessing clean water.
This year One Night for One Drop aired on CBS on March 16th 2019. It was a privalege and an honor to be part of this extraordinary cast and crew. Many thanks to all involved and to the directors Leah Moyer and Andre Kasten for entrusting me with this role.
Stunning Photos taken by Erik Kabic and Christina Russo